Tustin Legacy
Tustin Legacy is a 1,600 acre residential neighborhood in Orange County, California. Being developed on the Marine Corps Air Station Tustin, the project will include parks, over 9 million square feet of commercial retail, and 4,600 units of housing. Trees and shrubs were delivered for the main park in three phases from 10 different growers. Bidscape provided a full quote within 24 hours of receiving the plant list and arranged for the city consultant to tag trees in advance of delivery.
1-gallon Baccharis salicifolia - Mulefat
5-gallon Ceanothus griseus horizontalis 'Yankee Point' - Yankee Point Ceanothus
60" Box Platanus acerifolia 'Columbia' (Standard) - Columbia London Plane Tree
72" Box Platanus acerifolia 'Columbia' (Standard) - Columbia London Plane Tree
15-gallon Populus fremontii - Western Cottonwood
48" Box Quercus agrifolia - California Live Oak
60" Box Quercus agrifolia - California Live Oak
1-gallon Rosa californica - California Wild Rose
15-gallon Salix lasiolepis - Arroyo Willow
1-gallon Scirpus californicus - California Bulrush
1-gallon Muhlenbergia rigens - Deer Grass
1-gallon Typha latifolia - Broadleaf Cattail
36" Box Quercus agrifolia - California Live Oak
1-gallon Typha angustifolia - Narrowleaf Cattail
36" Box Platanus acerifolia 'Columbia' (Standard) - Columbia London Plane Tree
36" Box Quercus engelmannii - Mesa Oak, Engelmann Oak
1-gallon Salvia leucantha - Mexican Bush Sage, Velvet Sage
Plugs Carex praegracilis - California Field Sedge
5-gallon Leymus condensatus - Canyon Prince Wild Rye
1-gallon Muhlenbergia capillaris 'Lenca' - Regal Mist Pink Muhly Grass
1-gallon Rubus ursinus - California Blackberry
1-gallon Baccharis pilularis 'Twin Peaks' - Dwarf Coyote Brush
5-gallon Rhus integrifolia - Lemonade Berry
36" Box Platanus racemosa (Standard) - California Sycamore
48" Box Quercus engelmanniiMesa Oak, Engelmann Oak
1-gallon Artemisia douglasiana - Mugwort
1-gallon Bolboschoenus robustus (Scirpus robustus) - Sturdy Bullrush
1-gallon Juncus patens - California Grey Rush